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The Fisherman Piping image number 0
The Fisherman Piping image number 1

A FISHERMAN skilled in music took his flute and his nets to the seashore. Standing on a projecting rock, he played several tunes in the hope that the fish, attracted by his melody, would of their own accord dance into his net, which he had placed below.

The Fisherman Piping image number 3

At last, having long waited in vain, he laid aside his flute, and casting his net into the sea, made an excellent haul of fish. When he saw them leaping about in the net upon the rock he said: “O you most perverse creatures, when I piped you would not dance, but now that I have ceased you do so merrily.”

The Fisherman Piping image number 5
The Fisherman Piping image number 6
The Fisherman Piping image number 7
Aesops Fables series cover
The Fisherman Piping episode cover
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Aesops Fables

Aesops Fables are a collection of short stories that each contain a moral or lesson. These fables (such as 'The Boy who Cried Wolf') are known across the world. Aesop was a Greek slave who lived during the 5th century BC and either created or popularised existing fables, so their wisdom could be enjoyed by future generations.
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